
Phonographs in Other
Museum Settings
This gallery features Phono-Sightings
where a phonograph is displayed as part of another display
normally in a non-phonograph museum or historic house (e.g., in a
1930's period room, or simply as a one-off example in a museum). Phono-Sightings,
therefore, can be serendipitous in how they are discovered and end
up in this gallery.
Toy World Museum, Basel, CH
House, The Plainsman Museum, Aurora, NE
Village Museum, Greeley, CO
Historic House Museum, Appleton, WI
Park Museum, Frisco, CO
of Making Music (MoMM), Carlsbad, CA
Homestead House Museum, Cripple Creek, CO
Museum of American History - The Smithsonian, Washington, D.C.
Newspaper Museum, Eureka, NV
Museum of the Prairie Pioneer, Grand Island, NE
Historic Park Museum,
Frisco, Colorado

Oak Victrola located in the circa 1930's
living room of the Bailey Cabin located in the Frisco, Colorado's
Park Museum

1950's Radio-Phonograph in the Niemoth
Cabin, Frisco, Colorado's Historic
Park Museum

Both the Bailey Cabin and the Neimoth
Cabin were originally located in Bill's Ranch, south of Frisco. Used
as a family summer home this cabin features a river-rock fireplace
and has many of the original furnishings.

Pathe Phonograph, Thomas
Ranch House, Frisco Historic Park Museum, CO

Victrola, The Stanley House,
Frisco Historic Park Museum, CO
Newspaper Museum, Eureka, Nevada

Edison Amberola 50 in mahogany next
to Jewel Radio at Sentinel
Newspaper Museum, Eureka, Nevada. Amberola
50 was introduced in 1915 - Double spring playing up to five cylinders
before re-winding. Initial price was $50.00.
of Making Music (MoMM) Carlsbad,

Edison Disc Phonograph
Model C-150 golden oak (Sheraton Design) circa 1918

Victor V - Museum of Making

Columbia Graphophone Home
Grand (first style c. 1899) - Museum of Making Music
Toy World Museum

Basel Toy World Museum consists of the "world's largest collection
of old teddy bears" and a variety of historical dolls, shops, dollhouses,
carousels and contemporary miniatures. I visited this museum in 2011
and only saw one phonograph but as a Friend of the Phonograph
it was a delightful one-off sighting.

Cosmopolitan, 1908
- For other "teddy bear" connections see "Teddy
Bears and the Phonograph"
Historic House Museum, Appleton, WI

Parlor of Hearthstone Historic
House with Edison Standard Phonograph and Edison bust
"Hearthstone Historic House
was the first private residence anywhere in the world to be illuminated
using hydroelectricity from a central Edison system. The switch was
thrown on September 30, 1882 only two weeks after the first-ever Edison
central station, which was powered by steam, was operational in New
York City. The house still contains the original Edison electroliers,
original light switches, and some of the world's only examples of
original Edison wiring in situ. Hearthstone is on the National Register
of Historic Places for its technological, historic, architectural,
and artistic significance." - Home
page of Heathstone Historic House Museum.

Courtesy of Hearthstone
Historic House Museum
On February 11, 2022 Hearthstone Historic
House Museum celebrated Thomas Edison’s 175th birthday and National
Inventor's Day!
Here's a wonderful piece of ephemera
that was used to promote the event.

Courtesy of Fox
Cities Magazine and Heatherstone Historic House Museum
To learn more about the relationship
between Opera and early phonograph advertising visit Phonographia's
Cather's Prototypes Who Were Recording Artists".

There are several records which used
actors to recreate portions of President McKinley's Last Speech at
the Pan-American Exposition delivered on September
5, 1901.

HERE to Victor Record 2170 by Leonard G. Spencer (Courtesy The
Library of Congress and the Giovannoni/Lynch Collection)

For a short video of McKinley's
speech (silent) made by Thomas A. Edison on September 5, 1901, released
on September 11, 1901 and courtesy of the Library of Congress watch

Museum of the Prairie Pioneer, Grand Island, NE

Columbia Grafonola, circa
1920 (Stuhr 2020-0017-001)

Edison Standard Phonograph
Model A, circa 1904 (Stuhr Museum)

Postcard of Bix Drug Store, Boelus,
NE, circa 1910 with Edison Home Model D Phonograph and No. 10 Black
Cygnet Horn (Edison 2-minute Gold Moulded cylinder records in cabinet
and Edison 4-minute Amberol records on top of case) (Stuhr 1998-0049-008)
Village Museum, Greeley, CO
Two houses in the Greeley Centennial
Village have phonographs as part of their interior furnishings. It
is unknown if their is any related provenance between these machines
and the homes they are in.

The Bolin House, Victrola
100 circa 1922

The Stevens-Reynolds House,
Unidentified Gramophone circa 1903
The Old Homestead
House, Cripple Creek, CO

Photograph courtesy of
©Old Homestead House Museum. 353 Myers Ave, Cripple Creek, CO 80813
The Old Homestead was built in 1896
and was the most elegant brothel in Colorado's Cripple Creek District
during its heyday.
The Bates House,
The Plainsman Museum, Aurora, NE

Talking Machine in Bates
House Living Room, Plainsman Museum, Aurora, NE
