Review by D. Boilesen
I could watch this movie again and again.
In fact, I have.
Bill Murray is great as weatherman Phil Conners
who goes to Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania each year to cover the Groundhog
story, i.e., will Punxsutawney Phil see his shadow?

Phil doesn't want to be there
and much to his surprise he wakes up the next day (forced to spend
the night because of a snow storm) and discovers it's Groundhog
Day again.
Each morning his clock goes
off and Phil begins the same day again with Sonny and Cher singing
"I got you, Babe."

Hearing the song "I got you, Babe" is
a good example of the stickiness of music to an event or
a movie scene or an ad (as the advertising industry well understands).
The importance or catchiness of a song (e.g., when it was heard
or simply the repetition of that sound in your head sometimes called
an earworm, aka brainworm, sticky music, stuck song syndrome, or
Involuntary Musical Imagery (INMI) is a common phenomenon. Tthe
immediate connection (if you are of that generation) that one makes
when hearing the William Tell Overture and relating it to the Lone
Ranger's theme song is one pop culture example; or hearing George
Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue" and connecting it to United
For me, when I now hear "I got you, Babe"
it's a trigger to remember Groundhog Day.

Every family should make watching this movie an
annual tradition on February 2 just like watching "It's a Wonderful
Life" during the winter Holiday Season.
This is a great romantic-comedy, well-written with
my favorite performances by Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell.
I highly recommend this movie.

FOTP Favorite Movie