Valentine's Cards

Just for the record,
for a Phonographian is there anything better on Valentine's Day
than a Phonograph inspired card?
And what is that
Phonographian Valentine's Day card called? A Valentinogram,
of course.

"A Modern Valentine,"
The Edison Phonograph Monthly, February 1904

The Nebraska Blizzard,
March 29, 1901

The language
of Love and the Phonograph
Record me as your
For the Record You’re
a big “Hit” with me
I’d like to go on
The Latest Release
is “I Love You”
You can Play that
again – I Love You
You can put me on
As a matter of “Record”
I’d like to go Around with you
You’re No. 1 in my
Valentine Hit Parade.
Let’s make music

Inside this delightful
1925 card is the following verse:
When Music with its
magic spell
Makes hearts light
as a feather
If you will be my
We'll dance thro'
life together.

I'd like to go on
"RECORD", c.1950, Litho USA, Phonograph punches out
in 3-D with dog sitting in front 3.75" x 6.25"

Record player and
two 78 rpm record albums. Circa 1960, 4.75" x 1.75"

The Ladie's
Home Journal, Feburary 1921
3D fold-down Valentine
featuring Little Lulu and Tubby ©Marjorie Henderson Buell

Turn on the Music,
Let's Start the Dance. c.1938 (PM-2152)
"As a Matter
of Record" this page is dedicated to Sharon.
Happy Valentines
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