The Blue Dogs "Album Cover"

The Blue Dogs

Rep. Jared Golden, ME; Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez, WA; Rep. Mary Pertola, AK - co-chairs of The Blue Dogs


Blue Dogs released the announcement of its new leadership in May 2023 with this photo later described in the below referenced NYTM article:

"Golden in a plaid short-sleeve shirt revealing his tattoos, Gluesenkamp Perez sporting bangs, jeans and a denim shirt and Peltola wearing a riotous floral blouse — was jokingly referred to by some of their staff members as “the album cover.” The Blue-Collar Democrat Who Wants to Fix the Party’s Other Big Problem, The New York Times Magazine, Jason Zengerle, July 1, 2024).


Jared Golden, a third-term Democratic representative from Maine. Golden was first elected in 2018.

Marie Gluesenkamp Perez, a first-term Democrat from a rural district in Washington State elected in 2022.

Mary Sattler Pertola, who represents Alaska’s lone House district since 2022.


See Phonographia's definition of "Album Cover" in the Dictionary of Phonographia.


