Doug Boilesen, June 2024
The life and times of Marlys Mullen,
the beloved character in Barry's nationally syndicated comic strip,
'Ernie Pook's Comeek' includes three phonograph related cartoons.
The full color dancing Marlys on the
cover of the book features a 45 RPM playing on its record player.
A full page black and
white cartoon titled "DANCING MARLYS" is a simlilar illustration
to the book's cover.
"The Greatest
of Dancing Marlys," by Lynda Barry, published by Drawn &
Quarterly, ©2016, p. 105.
In one of the panels
on her page titled "Talent Show" a phonograph record
playing "Revolution" by the Beatles accompanies the performance
of eating "six raw hot dogs without stopping 'til they are

The Greatest of Marlys,
Ibid. p. 12.