Celebrating the Phonograph's Birthday
Anniversary on December 6, 2021 in California
Wendy and FOTP charter
member DK holding what he said was his Rocky Mountain homage
record to Edison's Phonograph.
The evening wine selected
for a toast to the Phonograph was Sixth Sense Syrah,
Michael David Winery 2019, Lodi - the 2021 official red wine of
Friends of the Phonograph. (For more information see Phonographia's

Wine Label of Michael and
David's Sixth Sense Syrah and their Cabinet of Curiosities,
The most memorable
birthday moment of the day, however, goes to the two youngest
members of Friends of the Phonograph who are currently
in a dual language immersion school and who sang Happy Birthday
to the Phonograph in Spanish.
As Friends of the
Phonograph know there was some very early marketing to promote
the phonograph as the ideal teacher of foreign languages. As
a "primary teacher" for learning a language the conversational
course of the Meisterschaft System, FRENCH, GERMAN, SPANISH, or
ITALIAN, was offered in 1891 on twenty-four cylinder records for
each language: "A Revolution in the Study of Foreign Languages."

Revolution in
the Study of Foreign Languages
Phonogram, October 1891

Celebrating the 2021
Phonograph's Birthday Anniversary in Boulder with Mint Chocolate
Ice Cream.