1986 Friends of the Phonograph
Birthday Party
The Phonograph's 109th Birthday was
celebrated in our Oakland-Emeryville home in December 1986.
Phonograph Christmas ads filled the
walls along with phonograph postcards and 'original' FOTP art pieces
as guests had been invited to submit a "work" inspired
by the Phonograph for the Phonograph Art Exhibit.
A phonograph concert was also held
featuring "Home Sweet Home" by the Columbia Phonograph
Co., circa 1896, "Stars and Stripes for Forever March"
from circa 1898 and an Edison Advertising Cylinder by Len
Spencer circa 1906.

Courtesy of Allen Koenigsberg and Antique
Phonograph Monthly's flexible phonograph disc

DB in the Phonograph

Parlor display for Birthday

Art and postcards displayed
ging up stairway

Original art submission
by Nephew Ryan, age 5

Photograph of Nephew
Cameron on December 6, 1986, age 10 months

Bob Gross with pottery
Victor HMV Record he made for the Phonograph's birthday.

Sarah Gross with her
artistic submission for the Birthday party.

Mark and Pat

Sandy and Chris

Brenda and LB

Brenda and DK
Birthday card to the
Phonograph from Peter and Joellen 1986

Digital Art Gramophone
(also one in blue)

Friends of the Phonograph