a Broken Record

Sounds Like, Plays
Like, is Like A Broken Record
By Doug Boilesen 2012*
"Sounds like a broken record"
- See Dictionary of Phonographia

The Broken Record,
Victor Record 25210-A. Recorded:
December 14, 1935

The Broken Record
- Novelty Fox Trot - The B.B.C. Dance Orchestra, 1936
Courtesy of Radionostaliga

Ka-Chunk - Remedy for
stuck in a groove, Garfield ® by Jim Davis, 1985
"I love you
Like a Broken Record Plays"
In his music video Eric Hutchinson
sings the phrase "and I love you Like a Broken Record Plays..."
from his 2012 record "Watching You Watch Him"
Doody tells Flub-a-Dub "you sound like a broken record"
Howdy: "Oh now
Flub-a-Dub, what's this Omaha ha ha ha business, you sound
like a broken record, Omaha ha ha ha ha ha ha..."
Flub-a-Dub: "
ha ha ha ha, boy I'll show
you Howdy ha ha ha ha, "I'll break records alright, but it
will be in the voting!" - April
2, 1952 Howdy
Doody Show (que to 8:40)
After Howdy sings a
song about Nebraska, Flub-a-Dub sings a song about Nebraska emphasizing
Husker Football
has opponents spinning...
For HuskerNation, here's a quote from
the October 20, 1996 football game between Nebraska vs. Texas Tech
football game when the ABC television announcer described Husker
running back DiAngelo Evans as follows:
"He was turning
around like a record on a turntable."
like a broken record."
The Democratic Debate,
February 11, 2016 - PBS
like a broken record"

One of our favorite phonograph
language legacy's in the English language was heard again
in USA Today's report the day after the February
11 Democratic debate summarizing Winners and Losers of
the debate with this comment for Senator Sanders under
the Loser's category:
"Sanders, at times
during that first hour, sounded like a broken record
-- citing millionaires and billionaires and Wall Street
to explain almost anything he was asked."
The "sounded like a
broken record" even had its own link to Tweets on
this topic, e.g.,

Rory McIlroy: I sound
like a broken record but I'm close to finding form.
Courtesy News
Letter - By The Newsroom Wednesday, 12th July 2017
"Rory McIlroy admits
he sounds like a broken record as he insists he is close to finding
the form to "salvage" his injury-hit season."
"I sound like
a broken record, so why not become a record?"
This article was written by Kim Hart
in the August 28, 2006 Washington Post about a Pilates trainer,
Sarah Christensen, that put her workout guides on MP3 players.
"The idea struck Christensen, of Fairhaven,
Md., after she lost her voice teaching 10 hours of Pilates a day.
Then her husband gave her an iPod." "I had no idea how to even use
one of those things," said Christensen, 50, who took up Pilates
to unwind after selling her laser-manufacturing company five years
ago. "And then it dawned on me: I sound like a broken record, so
why not become a record?"

Courtesy Brian
That broken record
is still spinning
/ Lincoln Journal Star

1. That broken record is still spinning
Number 9, number 9, number 9, number
9, number 9. … Apologies. The White Album suddenly flashed to mind.
Here’s why: Penn State is plus 9 in turnover margin, tops in the Big
Ten. Nebraska is minus 9 in turnover margin, last in the Big Ten.
The positive number 9 for Penn State is one big reason the Nittany
Lions have rolled to a 4-1 record in the Big Ten when many outsiders
were counting them out. The negative number 9 for Nebraska is one
big reason the Huskers had to rally from double-digit deficits in
three Big Ten games that probably didn’t need to be that close. Certainly,
talk of turnover troubles is one that has spun like a broken record
around here.

Taylor Martinez, courtesy
of Lincoln Journal Star /Eric Gregory
Shatel: NU stubs
its toe again; sounds like a broken record
Tom Shatel / World-Herald columnist
Oct 26, 2013 in Omaha World-Herald headline reporting the Nebraska
2013 football game loss to 2013 Minnesota.

Like a Broken Record

Like a Broken Record,
Time Magazine, advertisement, December 28, 2015
Record gets stuck...
USA Today December
15, 2013 by Nanci Hellmich

Holiday Stress calls for an attitude
"If you let your mind wander
too much, it always turns negative" and will get stuck on the
Hellmich writes in this article about
When the mind is wandering, it is
unguarded. It's on autopilot, thinking about relationships or
unresolved issues, which Amit Sood, author of The Mayo Clinic
Guide to Stress-Free Living, .calls "the open files.
It's like a (vinyl) record that
gets stuck and repeats the same sound over and over again."

by Bill Amend, December 10, 2013
A Broken What?

A Broken What?
Debbie Ripath OHI
Record Breaking Heat
- stuck

Adam Zyglis, 2012,
(The Buffalo News)
What's a Record?

Dennis the Menace, December
12, 2013, North America Synd. (Courtesy
The Broken Record
- stuck in its groove

Tim Campbell, 2014 (Source
Free Take-out)
You Sound Like a Broken Record. A What?

FoxTrot by Bill
Amend, June 4, 2017
My Anxiety is Like
a Broken Record

Broken Record by
gemma correll - Prints
available for purchase
Gun Control Broken

Gun Control Broken Record,
Randall Easton/Easton, CT March 26, 2021 (Courtesy USA
A Broken Record

A Broken Record
by Daniel Medina ©2022 (TK
Editorial Cartoons)

You Sound Like
a Broken Record. A What?

Mt. Pleasant by
Rick McKee & Kent Sligh (Courtesy The
Augusta Press, July 30, 2022)
FUMBLES - Like a
Broken Record

by Amie Just, The Lincoln Journal, October 31, 2023

match, it’s like a broken record: Beason came to play."
by Amie Just, The Lincoln Journal, December 10, 2023
"What am
I? A Broken Record?"

"Grand Avenue"
by Mike Thompson, The Lincoln Journal, August 18, 2024
a broken record."
The U.S. Presidential
Debate: Trump vs. Harris, September 10, 2024 - ABC
a broken record with lyrics as redundant as they were incoherent."
In the debate clearly won
by Harris, New York Times opinion writer Frank Bruni wrote:
vocabulary disintegrated entirely by night's end. He was a broken
record with lyrics as redundant as they were incoherent." ("Trump
Looked Livid. Harris Looked Amused. It Was No Contest."
(Frank Bruni, The New York Times, September 11, 2024.)

