of the Phonograph
My name is Axel Boilesen.
I was born on a farm
near Cotesfield, Nebraska on April 18,

Axel age 4 (center of
picture) with brother Lester on left and Floyd on right and his two
sisters, Lois and Fern (circa 1927).
When I was a growing
up we had an Edison Amberola, which I think was a Model
30, that was tucked away in a bedroom closet. I never saw it in
the parlor as we had a radio and if there was going to be any entertainment,
it usually came from the radio. But I do remember my older sisters
getting the Edison out from time to time and dancing around the bedroom.

The Jolly
Coppersmith was a song I can still hear playing. We didn't listen
to it very often but the Edison always worked very well.
My grandmother
also had a phonograph in their home, a large upright disc model which
might have been a Brunswick. I still fondly remember her sitting in
her rocking chair with me on her lap listening to the phonograph together.

1922 Christmas Ad
When World War II began
there were paper drives and scrap iron drives and other activities
to support the war effort. My Dad had alot of scrap iron and machinery
parts around the farm and he was very willing and proud to donate
all that he could.
Included in those war-time
donations was our Edison Amberola. It was said that donating phonographs
would help entertain the troops and I think my Dad believed that our
Amberola would make it to some USO or army camp site. Perhaps he remembered
scenes or stories from World War I and support efforts for entertaining
the troops with phonograph music.

1919 postcard
showing US Army personnel listening to a disc playing "Victrola"
Looking back, it seems unlikely our
Amberola ever played music for any soldier in the 1940's. By 1942
Edison Blue Amberol cylinder records, the record format used by an
Amberola, hadn't been manufactured by anyone in over 14 years so the
music selection of an Amberola would have been very limited and dated.
But if our Edison did survive the army's
scrap pile I'm sure it's still hammering out those "la la la's" of
the Jolly Coppersmith.

record from 1918
to the "The Jolly Coppersmith" or "Kreuzfidele Kupferschmied" played
by Edison Military Band (1)

German postcard titled
Liebesgaben (alms) - Children participating in a World War I war-time
drive to support their troops (including the donation of a gramophone).
Axel Boilesen, a
Friend of the Phonograph
The Edison Amberola
30 and Axel's grandmother's Brunswick phonograph were his first memories
of the phonograph. But they wouldn't be his last. Little would he
know that his son Doug would have a life-long interest in the phonograph,
recorded sound and any phonograph connection in popular culture. One
of the early family traditions initiated by Doug was to annually celebrate
the birthday of Edison's Phonograph on December 6. When Doug moved
to California in the early 1980's the Friends of the Phonograph
was founded and its annual event of the year was to celebrate the
Phonograph's birthday. Family members in Nebraska likewise continued
to celebrate that birthday.
After Axel moved into
his retirement home at Legacy Estate two rooms were provided by the
owner of Legacy Estate's for displays of phonographs and radios. The
Phonograph room was officially designated as the Axel and Betty Boilesen
Phonograph Exhibit on August 6, 2006 with a kiosk implemented to provide
music and information about the collection and about Axel and Betty.

Axel Boilesen, a
Friend of the Phonograph, celebrating his 87th Birthday.

Axel in
the Legacy Radio Room - Photo by Doug Keister

Axel in
the Legacy Phonograph Room - Photo by Doug Keister

Axel 1948 reading and listening
to the phonograph

at the Legacy